Payday Loans Are Traps
Imagine for a second that you have no credit card, your bank account is almost empty, and your car breaks down. You need cash and you need it fast.
You turn to a payday loan with an absurd 1000% interest rate that does nothing to rebuild your credit. Two weeks go by and your loan comes due. You're in the same situation. So you roll that loan into the next loan, and the next loan – the average cycle lasts 5 months and it’s a cycle that 12 million Americans live in.
Over a quarter million payday loans are issued every, single, day.
We think there is a better way.
Introducing LoanNow
We're a stealthy team of technologists disrupting a $15 billion slow moving giant of an industry. Everyone on our team codes and contributes on every level, front to back. We've built web scale products and helped scale them to tens of millions of daily active users.
We are ready to we go live with our beta and there will be nothing in the market that comes close. Every person we've shown it to smiles when they see how fast and easy we’ve made the lending experience.
But we’ve realized we need help to move even faster. We're looking for a teammate who can come in and contribute at speed on day one, and who is world class at more than one thing.
You’ll be working with a team of A-players who stem from companies such as Amazon, Nike, and Specific Media. As teammates we value commitment, accountability, honing our craft, and learning from each other.